* 1993 - We said we'd live on this land. And some day we'll build a new house here.
* 2005 - Dennis is fascinated with timberframes, and I'm easily won over. We'd like to build our house that way, but we have so many questions. Dennis collected and read a small library of books on the subject, covering history, methods, formulas, wood species...
* Fall 2007 - Our patience continued to be tested. We needed the space and heat efficiency of a new house. It looked like the timing might be right. I started sketching floorplans. Dennis started squaring logs on his mill and cutting the joinery for a test project, hereafter called "The Barn". (Our Rural Municipality insisted it's a detached garage because of it's overhead door. So, to humor them, the hip-roofed building with hayloft, standing all alone in the middle of the pasture with deep hoof prints and "organic fertiliter" in the place of a driveway leading up to it is on official record as Garage.)
* Mar '08 - Dennis spent a week in Minneapolis attending a hands-on timberframe building workshop lead by professional timberframer, Clark Bremer. http://www.northernlightstimberframing.com/
* Sept '08 - Cutting the frame took a little longer than we'd expected, but it's done! We had a few family and friends over one Saturday to help with a successful raising of "The Barn" frame. YES!! We can build a timberframe!...okay so it WOULD be more accurate to say "Yes!! Dennis can build a timberframe."
* Fall '08 - Third and final draft of the floorplan is just right. Another little step finished!
* Dec '08 - Clark Bremer of Northern Lights Timberframing designed the frame we were dreaming of for our floorplan. The 3D images are going to be well worth his fee: knowing all the dimensions and angles are right is HUGE, as is being able to have detailed dimensioned drawings of every timber from all sides.
We built a 12x18" 3D model to visualize the spaces. THIS IS OUR HOUSE !!
* Jan '09 - Finally found someone able (and WILLING!!) to draw and engineer-stamp blueprints for a DIY timberframer.
* July '09 - Had final blueprints in hand.
* Sept 15 '09 - Got the building permit.
* Sept 23 '09 - Had a quick sod turning cerimony after supper. (The girls with a shovel turned out to be nothing more than a photo op.)
John Deere was the real sod turner and rock digger on this job, so I thought it deserved a photo credit.
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