I had intended for blog updates to be more regular than this when I set out to chronicle the highlights. Since the last word here, life's been full of ups and downs, trips to work, school, church and home. Somewhere in there the house is still managing to make progress.
After months of feeling like we're only gaining baby steps at our project, there's been a sudden and exciting shift. Things are happening fast! Yesterday was another great day...aw shoot, it's been a great week. I can't bear tell it all in order, so I'm gonna skip straight to today's highlight and then fill you in on the journey.
Just starting the drywall last Saturday was wonderful. Then came Wednesday and our appointment to bring measurements, sketches and ideas to get our cabinet order started. Thursday we picked up the supplies for the taper and took advantage of great sale pricing on interior doors.
Friday the taper and boarders were all here. Today we got within about 2 hours of finishing all the drywall boarding. After all the months of Dennis working mostly solo, having this much help--family members who are pros at this stuff--has made things seem to go fast. I think drywall must always be a memorable step because it changes the skeleton of studding to actual closed in rooms.
Before long we'll be painting!! I'll be making final decisions on paint colors in the next week. We're getting a first-class job of the drywall & taping thanks to brothers of Dennis' but we have to be we willing to work around their schedules, meaning that we won't be starting paint for another 10 days at best.
Now, about all the necessary things that have brought us to this point.
It’s been a very wet spring. For the last month there’s absolutely NO way we could get the necessary trucks near enough to the house to cement it now. We’ve been very thankful that the basement was cemented in the winter!
Summer 2012 will be for landscaping.