Sometimes it feels like progress has been slow, or worse, not at all. But, then I took a look at the pictures I'd uploaded in early Oct to update this blog "the next time I have nothing to do". A lot has changed.
So I haven't told you that the SIPs are all on.

The house is shingled. All shingled!
I uploaded the above 2 pics, and then we had what seemed like a pause to catch up on some pre-winter yard work.
So the condensed version of the progress since then would be like this:
Cover all the window & door openings with poly. Initially we had some very wet, windy weather. That's changed to snowy, cold & windy. Real windows = very good, but for now, covered windows = good!
Shop around for our window & door package. Finalize opening directions, sizes, etc. This post has been so long in coming that we've had time to decide, order, wait 5 weeks and the windows were delivered today.
Bring hydro from the pole to the new house: trench dug, unusual amounts of fall rain pumped out of trench, line laid, water pumped out again and trench filled.
- Light fixture sale!! Got lights for most of the main & upper floor rooms.
Sewer lines installed for the basement bathroom and vent stacks where they will be below the floor level. Styro, poly, rebar & floor heat lines in place. Inspection passed. We can pour cement when we're ready.
- We've laid the tongue & groove 1x6" boards for the ceiling of the main floor. They are one of several steps to building the second story floor.
- Since these pictures, we've bought two bathtubs. It feels strange to be doing that already, but we thought at least one might need too large to get through a door later. And we found what we wanted at the right price. So we bought now.
- While waiting for windows, Dennis got a start on framing walls on the main floor. Our house will be divided into rooms! So far just the master bedroom, it's ensuite & closet are framed.
So, there is progress. There's still so much to do, but there have been a number of great momnets when we see glimpses of the next step or the finished product.